It seems that today every second channel on TV has some kind of storage auction show on air. Whether it be Storage Wars, Auction Hunters or Container Wars there’s always something there to entertain the masses in regards to storage auctions. In recent years, and inspired by these shows, many people have taken it upon themselves to go out and try their hand at bidding on overdue storage units, and with websites like iBidOnStorage making it so easy, why wouldn’t you?
So, why is it that storage auctions are so popular? What makes them so appealing when there really is so much to lose?
It’s the same reason as why casinos and sports betting is so popular – humans love the thrill of the chase. When faced with the reality of making a large profit or finding something of immense value, people tend to disregard the perceived risk and focus solely on the reward. The possibility to finding something out of the ordinary is very enticing for many people.
But bidding on overdue storage units is not gambling, and should not be compared to it. Unlike gambling, where the majority of profit is laid down to chance, bidding on overdue storage units give those who know what they’re doing a competitive edge. Sure, there’s still always a risk involved, but a person who knows what to look for in a unit – knows which items are valuable and which are junk – can certainly turn a profit just like those who do it on TV every day.
People can now do quick research on items they see in a unit, and come upon a maximum bid that will ensure they turn a profit every time. These auctions are becoming less-and-less a game of chance and more-and-more a place to make good money; be it for those who know what they’re doing.
To summarise, storage auctions are so popular because they awake the treasure hunter in all of us. The difference here is that you get a map, and you get to see what the treasure will be at the end of the dig.
iBidOnStorage makes bidding on overdue and abandoned storage an easy, and risk free activity. Our auctions include a fair description of what is inside the storage unit, and you only bid what you can afford, and for what you believe the contents are worth.
"Each year thousands of Self Storage units are abandoned Storage auctions in Western Australia are held on a regular basis online through iBidOnStorage"
"Television shows like Storage Wars make bidding on storage units seem like an intense exciting pastime While this can be true it s important to keep in mind the people"