Now you`ve gone and done it – you’ve bought four storage units in an online auction and you have to sort through them to work out what treasures lay within… But trust us: one does not simply unpack a storage unit! Here’s some survival tips for the brave.
The details
First off, check with the Seller what their opening and closing hours are, and if there are any specific details you should know about your unit. These kinds of details include what level of their building the storage unit is on, how accessible it is, the unit size and how full it is etc. Also check with them whether they have garbage bins and other materials (such as boxes) available that might help you on your mission. Plan to get there the moment the facility opens – and know that you’re in for a long day!
Gearing up
If possible, arrive in a truck, or bring your own trailer, so that you can move items immediately if you think that you have a better home for them. Bring your own garbage bin(s) if the facility doesn’t supply them, as well as boxes, trash bags and other bits and bobs you think you might need.
Remember: things can get pretty dusty in a Self Storage unit, so bring face masks if you think you’ll need it, and wear overalls – or your oldest clothes! It’s probably not a bad idea to wear a proper pair of work boots either – you never know when a wardrobe might decide to keel over, or that Ming Vase might drop on your toe!
It can get pretty hot working inside a storage unit. Bring water and snacks with you to make sure that you keep hydrated and energised. Also take a break every now and then to recoup.
Bring a friend
If you can rope a friend in to come and help you, do so – you’ll appreciate the extra muscle when moving boxes and large furniture items! Said friend can be paid in beer and pizza afterwards.
Be ruthless
When going through your unit, be as ruthless as possible. If something is rubbish, toss it in your garbage bin – don’t keep it and think you might find a useful purpose for it later. At the same time, if you do see items of value, try to pack them in boxes and take them with you, especially if they’re small and fragile. While cleaning out the unit, you can also reorganise it in a way that suits you if you’re not going to empty it out immediately. Leave spaces and walkways in the unit to make all of the remaining items easily accessible when you come back for them.
Create an inventory
While cleaning out your Self Storage unit, make an inventory of the items in it. This will make it easier when you start costing different things and talking to antiques dealers to find out what your haul might be worth. Taking pictures of items of note will also help with this process.
Good luck and happy treasure hunting!
"Each year thousands of Self Storage units are abandoned Storage auctions in Western Australia are held on a regular basis online through iBidOnStorage"
"Television shows like Storage Wars make bidding on storage units seem like an intense exciting pastime While this can be true it s important to keep in mind the people"